Lucio Royas is convinced that mankind will not inhabit planet earth soon. It appeared millions of years ago purely by chance and, in his opinion, will not survive for very long. For that reason, he would like to feel sad but, deep down he likes seeing how it is exterminating itself. Probably, if he was born in a less defeatist world, he would not enjoy his existence so much. Or, perhaps he would not be the same sort of person. Considering himself diverse and out of the pre-imposed schemes cramming people everyday lives make him feel content. Yet, there are issues with his personality he would like to change and that he will work upon little by little. He loves being able to model those features, amend elements he does not like, create mental environments in which to imagine living. For him, reality is what he creates in his mind, and in his mind he has originated a personal reality. The limits are what surrounds him, nevertheless, also these are modifiable. Often, he asks himself whether his thoughts can be objectively deemed as being better than those going on in the majority of people’s mind. The answer is yes. His thoughts are authentic since generated by his proper mind and therefore free from all the pre-established thoughts inflicted upon people by powerful and controlling lobbies such as religions, politics and Media. In his view, these institutions secretly teach people the way to think and act creating a reality which eventually favours the maintenance of the institutions themselves.
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