venerdì 31 luglio 2009

Lucio Royas

martedì 21 luglio 2009
Arctic polar circle

lunedì 20 luglio 2009
diesel and oil levels

In his head he is trying to picture out the reasons that led to this default. He is pretty sure that he was simply overdoing and that his left knee could not cope with it any longer. There were not any hints informing Manuel Roca in advance about what was going on and therefore not much could be done to avoid it. Human body is not like a car that tells the owner about diesel and oil levels at all time. Body can shut down at any moment if it has not been utilized properly or if it has been exploited. This is a matter of fact and Manuel Roca will need to learn from this experience in order not to incur another time in the same problem. He wanders now whether he should have not given to his body more time to recover between training sessions. Too late.
domenica 19 luglio 2009
Knee inflammation

sabato 18 luglio 2009
Brazilian nuts

venerdì 17 luglio 2009
lightening and thundering

Anytime he can, Manuel Roca sets off on his bike at dawn, when everything still sleeps in the surrounding calm. He wants to dodge all kinds of distractions that could slow down his training, when his body and mind are well rested and the concentration is maximal. Sometimes, he feels a bit sleepy and starts seeking the trail of an image that would shake his awareness. Something that would assure him he is not dreaming anymore but would bluntly tell him he is riding his bike on yet deserted roads. As soon as he reaches the woodland, Manuel Roca can hear the birds’ twittering. Sometimes, he is overwhelmed by the nice avifauna singing which instantly settles inside his soul like a blind gaze. Manuel Roca loves it in the same way he feels an aversion to barking dogs which he considers brutal and unpleasant.
martedì 14 luglio 2009
Woodland ghosts

Not many days left before Pecol. Manuel Roca is exhausted after days of hard training. Soon he will begin the recovery period; when his body will absorb all the recent heavy training. He is only a dabbler but he is acting the part of a pro. He completely went off the few bad habits he had to focus on the cycling event. Flirting with his bike daily has turned into an exciting custom that he will not barter for anything else in the world. This is the period of the year in which Manuel Roca is very aloof. He does not want to see many people in order not to lose concentration on his prime objective; Pecol. He is not self-important; on the contrary, Manuel Roca is a very modest person. The reason behind his behaviour stems from the passion for his bike and for his love for the physical exercise.
domenica 12 luglio 2009

sabato 11 luglio 2009
Tomatoes and mozzarella

Manuel Roca is heavily into decorating shadows and ghosts so that these appear less fearsome. He spends time writing as it does not consider this activity the only sin against Nature; he hides to develop his passion, alone, just to show the final fruit to himself only. Somehow, he is convinced to contribute to the faculty of the uselessness; and a lot of loneliness.
martedì 7 luglio 2009

After this work out section on the bike, as every morning, Manuel Roca went to work. There, he likes showing different personalities depending on the diverse occasions that create. He considers this way of acting as a sort of game where he can change the role he plays as he was a movie actor. There are days in which he shows all his diffidence which is, beyond a shadow of a doubt, the truest of all his features. Manuel Roca really lacks confidence in other people. Trusting only himself is one of his peculiarities; he does not want to confess this trait of his too openly since he knows that he cannot be fully understood. All his studying, reading, meditating on his bicycle has transformed him in an uncommon and unique person. Sometimes, he pretends to join his colleagues in conversations so that he can play a different role but, in all honesty, that is pure acting. He can feel that most of the time people see him as being a strange person because he dodges most of the talking taking place in the office. This aspect of his office life does not alter his mood. Manuel Roca sits down, switches his computer on; his thoughts became more and more illogical and circular. He imagines the sun casting down the Bettola Mount as nothing is really occurring. The shadow of the mountains lengthens above his day-dreaming until it all turns pitch-black. He is ready for the day with his casual acquaintances.
domenica 5 luglio 2009
Philippe Petit

Manuel Roca attended University in Mato Rujo. There, he engaged in the study of Nietzsche. Now, he wonders whether the genial philosopher could explain his way of thinking; bring to light the source of it. As fast as night falls upon Mato Rujo, a mixed sense of tiredness and nostalgia turned up in his mind unexpectedly. In a predictable way, last night Manuel Rujo had a dream based on the episode he lived the day before when he was about to fall down. In the oneiric deformation, his bike was riding over a cable which ran across two mountain tops. Underneath the suspended cable hundreds of meters of emptiness that would not permit Manuel Roca any error. Like the famous French high wire artist Philippe Petit that in 1974 high-wire walked between the Twin Towers in New York’s World Trade Centre, Manuel Roca rode the wire back and forth. He spoke to an eagle whose head resembled his friend Frank Lagache who was beside him when Manuel Roca nearly came down. He woke up with a start, in apnoea, soaked wet in his own sweat but relieved to gather that underneath there was not the void but a comfortable bed.
sabato 4 luglio 2009
Rio Pequeño

As sharp as a bite, the image of him falling off his bike haunted Manuel Roca during the whole day. Usually his mind is not investigative but in this occasion, footage of what was about to occur this morning shown up in his brain. From tomorrow, his attention during his rides will be double.
giovedì 2 luglio 2009

In fin dei conti, Manuel Roca e' sempre stata una persona priva di spirito competitivo; la competizione non ha quasi mai condizionato le sue scelte. Quando correva da giovane, aveva preso la competizione come un gioco di societa', stare con amici e compagni di squadra. Li aveva capito alcuni concetti come il desiderio di supremazia, la voglia di affermazione, l'umiliazione del piu' debole. Malgrado questo non ha mai smesso di confrontarsi con gli altri, di giocare. Giocare in solitario accanto agli altri, con regole e tempi possibilmente suoi. Troppo comodo? Non sempre, anzi, mai. Da qui l'idea di Pecol, il confrontarsi con gl'altri ma solo per gioco, senza prendersi troppo sul serio. Il desiderio di mettere alla prova i propri limiti, desideri, motivazioni, e cosi via. Manuel Roca era gia' partito con il pensiero. L'occasione. La magnifica occasione. D'altronde, appena comincia a pedalare ritrova il buon umore Manuel Roca. Pedala lungo le strade, alle volte deserte, della regione di Mato Rujo respirando a pieni polmoni il vento che spesso spazza queste terre. Rimane incantato della sinfonia di colori che ogni giorni gli riempie la vista. Ha scelto una forma di vita diversa, piu' libera, piu' meditativa. Piu' in sintonia con la natura. Considera la vita come fosse sempre un grande supermercato dove prendi dieci e paghi tre. O meglio, va gia' bene se riesce a prendere due. Il filosofo che c'e' in lui prende forma. Manuel Roca vive bene del due e considera i restanti otto una mera e inutile illusione, frutto di una miopia generalizzatta e di una impotenza degli individui.
mercoledì 1 luglio 2009

Il ronzare del silenzio, ali senza piume nelle prime ore dell'alba. Adesso, mentre pensa Manuel Roca a questo ronzio, pensa che forse in quelle ore intuisce il viaggio come una scrittura intravista e differita. Il vero viaggio per lui. Capisce che questa solitudine consapevole, sicura di se', la solitudine accettata, sia gia scrittura; non ancora tradotta dal silenzio ma gia struttura presente. Ha viaggiato. Ha viaggiato molto Manuel Roca. L'atto di scrivere, di trascivere la scrittura d'altri, l'appropiarsi delle parole altrui. Pensa Manuel Roca che la lingua di Mato Rujo sia per lui una densa penombra ancora da decifrare. Eppure vive li da molto tempo. In un paese depresso, si trova a volte isolato in mezzo agli altri. Solo sente la Natura stringersi attorno a lui, farsi corpo al suo fianco.
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