Most of the times, Manuel Rocal pedals in solitude. Often, he feels the necessity to question himself and meditate over various issues. First of all, on the extreme need to return to a more human dimension since he is convinced to have abandoned it due to this over technological world. Furthermore, he reflects on the obligation to adopt a respectful attitude towards the greatness and uniqueness of Nature. Without a shadow of a doubt, questioning and meditating serve to maintain his physical and intellectual well-being in good form. These mental exercises permit Manuel Roca to know his more hidden thoughts, to speak to his soul and, to reflect over some already taken decisions and some completed works. Manuel Roca has chosen to live in agreement with his very way of being that is generally diverse from the forms of life that are frequently proposed and imposed upon people. Surrounded by immense silence, in the infinite open spaces of his mind, Manuel Roca has found his reason of being, a manner to live which is within his human measures. People have rapidly drawn away from the umbilical cord that unites them to Mother Nature making them feel bewildered. Manuel Roca does not need to travel to Amazonia or to the Arctic Polar Circle to experience open spaces, wilderness and quietness; he is inclined to believe that immense spaces are within his mind. It is there where he wants to produce travelling, discovering and exploring sceneries. The beauty of adventure is to dream of it, to free imagination in such a way as to attempt to create the best possible reality in which to live. For this reason, fantasy needs escorting him at all time to generate inside his head a gorgeous reflexion of what happens around him. In other words, the ugliness Manuel Roca sees every day which he does not like is transformed in an attractive condition. Cheating is the only way he knows to survive.
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