On the way to Pecol there has been an unforeseen event. Manuel Roca was out cycling on his bike very early this morning and after the second climb interval he did feel a stark pain in his left knee. At first he thought it was nothing serious so he did a third interval as he had planned but later he found out that the problem was not minor. In fact, after that he could not push on the left pedal as he wanted to and the pain grew acuter. It is not a good news since Pecol is only 6 days from now and it is not guaranteed the pain will disappear by then. It might be and inflammation to one of the tendons which can be curable by resting a few days. Of course, it must be said that Manuel Roca was really training hard in these days and definitely his system was considerably under lots of stress. However, this event caught him by surprise since ha has never had anything alike before. There is not despair in his mood since he understands that the human body is not made of steel and can malfunction sometimes. Also, he is well aware that this is not a big deal of a problem since real problems in life are of others nature. Talking about his building up for Pecol, Manuel Roca has always affirmed he was enjoying the actual his preparation of the race, the long hours in the saddle, the combination bike, running and static trainer, keeping very healthy, eating as an athlete, reaching the top form weight and last but not least, feeling really strong on his bike. If he managed to do Pecol and enjoyed the event, it would all be a bonus. For this reason Manuel Roca does not feel disappointed by the unfortunate circumstance. The only thing he can do now is to try to sort the pain out so he rubbed some special gel on the painful area and took a Glucosamine tablet which should help to keep his joints in good health. Manuel Roca is not superstitious so he does not need to touch wood, steel or any other object to ward off the evil eye. He takes events the way they come without holding someone responsible for that. In his view, there is not an inexplicable force directing human lives events, everything happens in a very earthly way. Manuel Roca’s knee is having troubles because is human and therefore liable to injures.
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