Manuel Roca is heavily into investigation, elaboration, meditation; philosophising. To stare right into the eyes of mystery takes lots of courage, he maintains. There, a new and unexplored world is met, one where ideals are stripped bare from manufactured suits. It is the land upon which philosophers rumble as they cram their mind with challenging thoughts. Led by curiosity Manuel Roca walks on high ground where air is fine and smells sweet Nature. He crosses tortuous terrains where his mental stability is badly put to the test. His creeds start shaking severely up to the point they crumble down to the floor turning into unusable ruins. Rubbles and debris are now to be removed to make room for new constructions where new beliefs will inhabit. A brand new world is rising where deceivers will be banned from. The weak ones; those who promise another life other than the earthly one, those who maintain that by producing more the economy can get out of the global crisis, those who refuse to walk on the rope running over the abyss and permitting men to become supermen, those who still act as beasts amongst the beasts, those who move along with the herd.
...he is unknown, Manuel Roca to himself. Never has he searched for himself, how should he ever find himself? As far as his life is concerned has Manuel Roca had sufficient serious interest? Or sufficient time? Through what has he in point of fact just lived? Who Manuel Roca is in point of fact? Of necessity he remained stranger to himself. Time has come to start the research.
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